About Me

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Caldwell, Idaho
"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." - Audrey Hepburn

Sunday, January 9, 2011

And then there were three!!!

For a couple of weeks I had been feeling pretty strange. I was a few days later that normal and my hormones were going crazy. On November 8th I asked Thomas to pick up a pregnancy test from Walgreens on his way home so he did. After three positive tests I confirmed my suspicions and told Thomas he was going to be a daddy! A smile spread across his face from ear to ear and he picked me up in his arms and held me tight. He was so excited. I wasn't quite there yet....I was terrified! I was even shaking a little. The reality hadn't quite sunken in yet.

After a few stressful months of my husband losing his job, finding a new one,and moving again, I was finally able to get excited. I loved the little baby inside me and was very happy to be a mommy. I loved sharing that excitement with my wonderful husband and family. Then on January 7th I had my first doctors appointment. After hearing that little heartbeat I realized that I could never love anything more. I had a perfect little family and the look in my husbands eyes after we heard those little beats made me fall more in love with him. I've never felt more blessed than to know that my heavenly father loves and has trusted me with this little soul. I love my life!